IcSP map

The map features 292 projects in 80 countries
As the UN prepares the new Sustainable Development Goals and the EU marks 2015 as its European Year of Development, we are pleased to launch the latest feature of Insight on Conflict: a unique online map showing €2.3 billion of peacebuilding projects supported by the EU’s IcSP (Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace) fund.

The new interactive map shows details of 292 peace projects in 80 countries funded by the world's largest aid donor, including in Iraq, Ukraine and Syria.

This is a key resource for understanding the scope of the IcSP, which enables the EU to fund conflict prevention projects and respond to crises.

Projects on the map include small-scale work being implemented by local organisations, as well as larger initiatives run in collaboration with the UN and international NGOs. The projects can be searched by theme, year of operation and EU contract number.

This map reveals the often ignored scale of peace projects around the world
This map reveals the often ignored scale of peace projects around the world, and the cutting-edge role that technology can play in support of peacebuilding. We hope that journalists, policy-makers and peacebuilders themselves the map, and our site itself, to find out more about peacebuilding around the world.

Over the coming months, we will be developing the content on the map, creating summary profiles of the key activities being undertaken as part of each project featured. This will help provide further detail for those looking to understand the EU's peacebuilding work.

We launch the map as part of our EU-funded expansion, which includes extending Insight on Conflict's peacebuilding coverage to more than 40 countries. Based on the research conducted for us by the latest appointments to our team of Local Correspondents - Rey Ty and Edward Chinhanhu - we have recently published two new sections demonstrating the breadth of local peacebuilding activity in the Philippines and Zimbabwe.

For each of our fully mapped sections, we now have a complete range of research, which, in addition to the projects featured on our EU map, includes:

  • Profiles of local peacebuilding organisations provided by our dedicated Local Correspondent.
  • Listings of international and international non-governmental organisations working on the ground.
  • A range of blog articles providing news, analysis and debate on peacebuilding issues.
  • An overview of and further resources on issues affecting each area.

Click here to explore the IcSP map.