News from Sri Lanka: The Sri Lanka government has announced that 130,000 people in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps in Sri Lanka will be given the freedom to go in and out of the camps next month, by order of the President, Mahinda Rajapakse.
I have grown up in this era of war in Sri Lanka which has lasted for two decades. Now the armed conflict between the Sri Lanka govermnent and the LTTE ( or 'Tamil Tigers') is over. No more shells, bullets and bombs. But people who have been living in conflict areas in the north and east of the country are still living in IDP camps. These camps are not a place where people can live freely with basic facilities, meeting fundamental human needs. When I heard the news I felt so relieved because the government has taken a concrete step to give these people some hope.
Many thanks for all the people and organisations – international and local - that have fought together for the freedom of people living in IDP camps. Your voice counts!
Posted by Buddhika Harshadeva, Local Correspondent for Sri Lanka, 26 November 2009