Research this month
Local engagement with armed groups in the midst of violence
Local populations are not just passive actors in conflict zones, simply coerced by armed actors. Equally, armed groups do not merely exploit or abuse communities in areas in which they operate.
Local engagement with armed groups in the midst of violence, from Conciliation Resources, explores how local actors are engaging with active armed groups in order to reduce violence. The publication includes an overview of the issues and presents four case studies - from Colombia, Northern Ireland, Uganda, and Syria - which look at how such local engagement has worked in practice.
Local perspectives on inclusive peacebuilding: a four-country case study
Strikingly, all four case studies illustrate ... tension between national and local ownership, showing a disconnect between the local community and those in the driving seat of the peacebuilding initiatives ... [l]ocal actors often expressed a sense of exclusion and a lack of ownership of peacebuilding efforts.
Local perspectives on inclusive peacebuilding, from the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, presents the findings of a series of consultations in Somalia, Timor-Leste, Liberia, and Myanmar on how peacebuilding and inclusivity is viewed locally. Based on these findings the paper provides a series of recommendations as to how international peacebuilding can better ensure inclusivity.
Peace and corruption: lowering corruption - a transformative factor for peace
There is a definitive link between corruption and peace. Specifically, corrupt police and judicial systems are a key factor in undermining prospects for long term peace within a society.
Peace and corruption, from the Institute for Economics and Peace, looks at the relationship between corruption and peace. The report argues that corruption has an important role in creating the conditions for violent conflict. The report identifies a 'tipping point' whereby small increases in corruption lead to large decreases in peace. According to the report, 64 countries are at or near this point.
A climate of conflicts?
Political violence correlates strongly with climate ... [y]et, there is little evidence that climatic variability and change are important in understanding this pattern. The prospect of climate change causing forced migration and food and economic insecurity, meanwhile, raises new concerns about possible future conflict scenarios.
A climate of conflicts, from PRIO, examines the link between climate change and conflict. The paper finds there is little evidence climate change will lead directly to an increase in violent conflict. However, climate change may have an indirect effect through other mechanisms, such as migration, food insecurity, and economic shocks.
Sharing and exploring Pacific approaches to dialogue: a compendium of case studies from Pacific island countries
Sharing and exploring Pacific approaches to dialogue, from the UNDP, is a series of 10 case studies looking at specific examples of peacebuilding and dialogue practices in the Pacific region.
From the blog
Sierra Leone’s constitutional crisis: what it means for peace

How Syrians are restarting life in Istanbul
By Pedro Valarini: Pedro Valarini looks at how Syrian refugees are restarting their lives in Istanbul, Turkey. Read more »
Central African Republic Peace Exchange
By Kevin McCann: Peace Direct is bringing together peacebuilders in the Central African Republic to try and halt the violence there. Read more »
Transitional justice in Mali: opportunities and challenges
By Daniel Ozoukou: A peace deal in Mali has been marred by violence and disagreement. Daniel Ozoukou discusses the prospects of the agreement making a lasting impact. Read more »
Community cohabitation around Lake Chad
By Elie Djimbarnodji: Elie Djimbarnodji discusses the causes and consequences of community troubles around Lake Chad. Read more »
Introducing Bouyo Séverin: providing insight on Chad for Insight on Conflict
By Bouyo Séverin: Insight on Conflict’s new Local Correspondent in Chad, Bouyo Séverin, discusses peacebuilding issues in Chad. Read more »
How sport can create peace in Zimbabwe
By Brian Canever and Sarah Hillyer: The legacy of Nelson Mandela is helping to promote reconciliation in Zimbabwe. Brian Canever and Sarah Hillyer discuss sport as a tool for peacebuilding. Read more »
Insight on Conflict: local knowledge with global impact
By Kevin McCann: Peace Direct has been responding to events in Burundi and Myanmar this week, demonstrating the value of local knowledge. Read more »
A call for peace in Burundi
By Insight on Conflict: As the situation in Burundi deteriorates, local peacebuilders are calling for peace. You can help spread their message. Read more »
Storytelling for peace
By Kirthi Jayakumar: How storytelling can be a powerful tool for peacebuilding. Read more »
Breaking news: Burundian ‘coup d’état’
By Kevin McCann: Local and international news sources say that army leaders have attempted to overthrow President Pierre Nkurunziza. Read more »
Telling their story: reflections on war
By Balkan Diskurs: Jessica Kuntz spoke to war correspondent Rémy Ourdan about his work telling stories of modern-day conflict for future generations. Read more »
Can tribal institutions help rebuild Yemen?
By Najwa Adra: Najwa Adra discusses the role that tribal political structures must play for long-term peace and development in the country. Read more »
Corruption and the arms industry: a burden on peacebuilding?
By Katrina Kilkenny: Transparency International recently presented the results of its 2015 Defence Anti-Corruption Index. Katrina Kilkenny discusses what it means for peacebuilding. Read more »
Yemeni conflict: politics, policy and people
By Helen Lackner: Helen Lackner discusses the conflict in Yemen and the devastating impact it is having on the Yemeni people. Read more »
Rebuilding Nepal: the next steps
By Subindra Bogati: Subindra Bogati and Katie Wand of Nepal Peacebuilding Initiative share their experiences of distributing aid in Nepal. Read more »
Women in Yemen: a force for change
By Daniel Martin Varisco: Yemeni women have been at the forefront of peace efforts during the current violence in the country. Dan Varisco discusses the conflict and its impact. Read more »