A monthly selection of the best new research and resources on local peacebuilding worldwide, as chosen by Insight on Conflict. This month’s edition features articles on the role of education in peacebuilding, applying Security Sector Reform and more. To receive the email newsletter each month, please sign-up here or email joel@insightonconflict.org.
New newsletter for funding opportunities!
This month we will be launching a second monthly newsletter, which will also include information on funding and other opportunities. It will be available in English, French and Spanish. To subscribe please contact joel@insightonconflict.org and tell us whether you would like to receive the newsletter in English, French or Spanish.
Research this month
Local to global protection in Myanmar (Burma), Sudan, South Sudan and Zimbabwe
The Local to Global Protection Project (L2GP) seeks to document and promote local voices on protection in humanitarian crises. The project is based on research from Myanmar, Sudan, South Sudan and Zimbabwe, and examines how people living in conflict and disaster-affected areas view and understand the idea of 'protection'.
Security-Sector Reform applied: nine ways to move from policy to implementation
Security-Sector Reform Applied gives nine recommendations for practitioners looking to increase the effectiveness of Security Sector Reform (SSR) in post-conflict situations. The paper argues that while the local context is essential, some themes are common in many circumstances.
Crises in a New World Order: challenging the humanitarian project
Crises in a New World Order, a new briefing paper from Oxfam, argues that Western donors are increasingly only a part of the response to humanitarian emergencies. Responses are more and more coming from civil society and governments of countries affected by crisis. The international community needs to find ways of better supporting local capacity.
The role of education in peacebuilding: a synthesis report of findings from Lebanon, Nepal and Sierra Leone
The role of education in peacebuilding explores the role of education in peacebuilding in post-conflict. The research is broken up into two parts: a literature review, and three case studies - Lebanon, Nepal and Sierra Leone - with a particular emphasis on the work of UNICEF.
Strengthening work at the nexus of arts, culture and peacebuilding
Strengthening work at the nexus of arts, culture and peacebuilding from Search for Common Ground summarises the proceedings of a meeting looking at how the nexus of arts, culture and peacebuilding could be strengthened.
From the blog
- Insight on Conflict interviews Bishop Ochola from the Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative (APLPI) in Uganda Read more >>>
- John Bainbridge from Peace Direct discusses February's Somalia conference in London Read more >>>
- Hamish Wilson, former Stabilisation Advisor in South Sudan for the UK's Stabilisation Unit, writes about a collaborative response to tribal violence in South Sudan Read more >>
- Jaimie Grant from ThinkAfrica.com argues for the need for cultural considerations in peacebuilding, alongside the technical aspects. Read more >>
- Zafar Iqbal, founder of Kashmir based organisation Press For Peace (PFP), discusses trade between Indian- and Pakistani- administered Kashmir. Read more >>
- CeaseFire was named in the Global Journal’s inaugural ‘Top 100 Best NGOs’ list. Read more >>