Research this month
Understanding fragmentation in conflict and its impact on prospects for peace
Settlement is clearly possible in fragmented conflicts, and external actors can play a role in this. Yet, the consequences of fragmentation are profound. Mediators must understand the specific characteristics of fragmentation in the disputes they attempt to manage.
Understanding fragmentation in conflict and its impact on prospects for peace, from the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, explores how the proliferation of different actors in a conflict has an impact on attempts at peacebuilding and mediation. The paper presents both the effects of fragmentation and strategies peacebuilders have used in response.
Violent extremism in Kenya: risk and resilience
Countering violent extremism programmes should be informed by local contexts and by the circular and comprehensive nature of how local drivers cause communities to become vulnerable or resilient to violent extremism.
Violent extremism in Kenya: risk and resilience, from the Rift Valley Institute, summaries a panel discussion on the factors that drive or prevent participation in violent extremism. The discussion highlighted the localised nature of risk and resilience, and the need for approaches that take the local context into account.
Perceptions of governance: the experience of Local Administrative Councils in opposition-held Syria
Despite criticism, many respondents acknowledged that the LACs have indeed transformed, and also significantly improved in different fields, particularly in service delivery. While the LACs are widely appreciated for their role in service delivery, the Syrian Opposition Coalition and the Interim Government have less credibility.
Perceptions of Governance, from swisspeace, looks at the functioning of governance structures formed in five opposition-held areas of Syria. The research explores how the Local Administrative Councils have evolved over time, how they are perceived by other local actors, and the role they play on the ground.
Conflict Trends
The latest edition of Conflict Trends, from ACCORD, features articles on DDR in DR Congo, the limits of liberal peacebuilding, and electoral mediation.
Funding opportunities
Dialogue Fellows Programme
The Civil Society Facility South is seeking applications for its Dialogue Fellows Programme. The programmes aims to promote the role of young people in policy making and dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean. The specific focus is on peace and partnerships and preventing violent extremism. Deadline: 12 March 2017. Find out more
Peacemaker in Action Award
Nominations are open for Tanenbaum’s Peacemaker in Action Award. The award recognises individuals guided by faith to stop human suffering and foster reconciliation. The winner of the award will receive $15,000 and public recognition for their work. Deadline: 31 March 2017. Find out more
Francophone Fund for Human Rights
The Francophone Fund for Human Rights aims to support grassroots initiatives and projects for the promotion and protection of human rights, democracy and peace. Funding of up to €20,000 is available. Deadline: 10 March 2017. Find out more
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award
The Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award honours courageous and innovative individuals striving for social justice throughout the world. The winners will receive a share of $30,000. Deadline: 31 March 2017. Find out more
Václav Havel Human Rights Prize
Nominations are open for Václav Havel Human Rights Prize. The prize recognises outstanding civil society action in defending human rights in Europe and beyond. Deadline: 30 April 2017. Find out more
From the blog
The Nigerian rumour mill: a nation under siege?

Counter-extremism in Pakistan: success or falling short?