Bridget Moix
Bridget Moix has worked for 15 years in the national and international policy arenas on peace building and violence prevention issues. She is currently a Research Fellow with the Genocide Prevention Program at the School of Conflict Resolution and Analysis, George Mason University, where she is pursuing her PhD. She also works as an Atrocities Prevention Fellow with the Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation of the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Bridget spent nine years lobbing on US foreign policy issues with FCNL, where she developed and led the Peaceful Prevention of Deadly Conflict program. She also worked with the Quaker United Nations Office, Oxfam America, American Friends Service Committee, and World Policy Institute, and with the Casa de los Amigos in Mexico City and Quaker Peace Centre in Capetown, South Africa.
Bridget’s research interests include preventing and ending war, strengthening local peace capacities, nonviolent civilian protection, and integrated early warning and response systems. She has taught peace and conflict classes at Columbia University, Eastern Mennonite University, and Haverford College. She serves on the boards of the Clarence and Lilly Pickett Endowment for Quaker Leadership, the Quaker United Nations Committee Geneva, and Peace Direct USA. She lives with her family in Washington, DC.
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