Saving your changes
In order to save your changes, you must make sure you click the green "Save changes" button. This button appears near both the top and bottom of the page. If this button is not clicked before leaving this page, all changes will be lost.
Viewing your profile
By clicking the red 'View profile page' button you will be taken directly to your organisation's profile page on Insight on Conflict. Your profile page is publically available.
Editing the information
Contact information
Contact person/Email (private): These fields are for Peace Direct's use only and will be used in order to contact your organisation. They will not be made publically available.
Email: This email address will be listed publically. Please include the address responsible for responding to public enquires. In order to publish a profile on Insight on Conflict an email address must be provided.
Website: Your organisation's main website. If your organisation does not have a website, please include a link to a social media account (for example a Facebook page) if possible.
Phone number: This phone number will be listed publically. Please include the international dialling code.
Address: The main address for your organisation. Where possible enter an address link to an actual place (not, for example, a post office box). This will be shown publically, so leave this field blank if you need to keep the location of your office confidential.
About the organisation
Name: The official name of your organisation.
Registration information: If your organisation has official registration, use this section to provide details (for example registration number, or date or registration). This information will appear on your public profile, so do not include sensitive information.
Staff/Volunteer numbers: Include the numbers of staff and volunteers working with your organisation. Feel free to provide extra detail, such as the split between full and part time staff.
Profile text: Here is where you edit the main profile text for your organisation. Use space to explain how your organisation works, the types of activities your organisation is involved in, and some of your main achievements. A suggested structure for the profile is:
- Introduction: outline key focus of the organisation
- Activities: list the activities conducted by your organisation
- Achievements: the most important things your organisation has achieved.
- Future plans: how the work of your organisation is planned to evolve of the coming years.
For details on how to format the profile text, see the section below.
Locations and themes
Conflict areas: For this section please indicate in which of the geographical areas of the conflict region your organisation operates. Tick all that apply. If your organisation works across the whole of the conflict area, please tick all of the boxes.
Themeatic areas: Indicate which thematic areas are the focus of the work of your organisation. Tick all that apply.
How people can help
Voluteering: Use this section to indicate if your organisation accepts volunteers from outside the conflict area. If you have any specific requirements, list them in the text box.
Other ways to help: People visiting your profile may wish to help your organisation in some way. Use the questions in this section to provide information on how people can donate, promote, and participate.
Formatting the profile text
The section of the page in which you edit the main profile text of your organisation works much like a limited version of Microsoft Word. You have the options to include basic formatting, such as headings, bold, and italics, as well as including images that illustrate your work. Below you will find an explanation of each of the features of the editor.
Undo/Redo: To undo or redo any changes made to the text, use these buttons.
Text formatting: by selected an option from the these section you can apply one of three pre-defined styles to a block of text:
- Paragraph: regular paragraphs of text
- Section heading: used to label a section of text (for example see "Editing your information" on this page).
- Subheading: used to further break up a section of text (for example see "Locations and themes" on this page).
Bold: to make text appear bold. First highlight the text, then click this button.
Italics: to make text appear in italics. First highlight the text, then click this button.
Remove formatting: to remove all formatting from a piece of text, highlight the text and click this button. This function is useful in cases where text pasted from other applications, such as Word, appears strangely.
Alignment: to set the alignment (left-, right-, or center-aligned) of text or images, highlight it and click one of these buttons.
Lists: to start a bulleted or numbered list click one of these buttons. Each time enter is pressed, a new list item will be created. To end the list, press enter twice.
Links: to create a link, highlight the text you wish to become a link and click this button. Enter the address of the website in the URL field and click OK.
Upload an image: to upload an image from your computer click this link. Click the button next to "Choose an image" and find the image on your computer. Once selected, click OK to insert the image into your profile.
Further help
If you require any further assistance in editing your organisation profile, please contact the Insight on Conflict team at