In a post civil war era, ARID attempts to transform the lives of communities in Uganda.
Last updated: November 2017
The Advocates for Research in Development (ARID) is a network of peace and development policy research advocacy civil society and experts in northern Uganda. The network aims at transforming the lives of the communities emerging from the trauma of civil war. It thrives to promote social justice through capacity building, policy advocacy, networking and partnerships for better service delivery. ARID is rooted in core values of protection, participation, dedication, accountability, collaboration, love and compassion.
Projects undertaken
- International electoral observation missions in Sub-Saharan Africa with the Africa Union Elections Observation Missions to Zimbabwe (2013), South Africa (2014), Mozambique (2014) and Ethiopia (2015)
- Facilitating training of African Union long-term election observers, legal and media analysts in elections (2014-2015)
- Democratic governance in northern Uganda by strengthening citizens' agency in democratic governance process
- Longitudinal study on the impact of IGA project on child headed households' protection and education outcomes (sponsored by War Child UK)
- Spearheaded commemorations of major annual international and national day celebrations including, anti-corruption week, youth, women's and international human rights days in Pader district
Strategic objectives
- To create awareness among citizens on their socio-economic, political and democratic rights and responsibilities
- To engage/advocate for equitable improved and sustained service delivery
- To establish and strengthen linkages between civil society, government and development partners to improve service delivery
- To enhance ARID's organisational and institutional development for efficient and effective service delivery
- Action Aid International
- War Child UK
- Amani Institute Uganda
- Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies
- Citizens Coalition for Electoral Democracy
- Medical Research Council of South Africa