Association des Ituriens pour le Développement et la Promotion de l’Ituri

This organisation works to bring together communities in Ituri, DR Congo, to live in harmony, freedom and social well-being.

Last updated: November 2021

ASSOCITURI is a civil society organisation created in 2002 and authorised to operate throughout the DRC under registration N°01/MAA/045/CAB/PROGOU/PO/2007 of the governor of the Eastern Province and N° F.92/14.901; N°JUST/SG/20/739/2011 of the National Ministry of Justice.

This organisation was created following an awareness and analysis of the following situations:

  • The occurrence and persistence of ethnic and intercommunal conflicts in Ituri
  • The chronic underdevelopment of Ituri, despite the fact that it is rich in natural resources;
  • The widespread poverty of the population;
  • The degradation of health, education, transport and communication infrastructures;
  • The abusive exploitation of its natural and human resources for interests outside Ituri,
  • The excitation and maintenance of ethnic hatreds;
  • The absence of a political class that can initiate and defend a development process that takes into account the interests of the population.


To contribute to the change of this situation by fighting against poverty and bringing Iturians to live in harmony, freedom and social well-being.


  • To raise awareness, awaken and mobilise people to take charge of their own development;
  • To promote multi-sectoral development in Ituri;
  • To support women's civic participation in various fields: political, social, economic and cultural;
  • Promote the culture of peace and peaceful cohabitation as well as the respect of democratic values;
  • Protecting natural resources

Areas of intervention:

  • Pacification, Education for citizenship
  • Conflict prevention and transformation
  • Capacity building of women in different areas (fight against violence against women, political, economic, social and cultural participation)
  • Education and literacy
  • Health promotion
  • Agriculture, food security, environment
  • Women, peace and security
  • Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR)

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