ATPDH strives for peace, liberty and the fundamental rights in Chad.
Last updated: August 2015
Created in 1991, the Association Tchadienne pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (Chadian Association for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights, ATPDH) works to strive for peace, liberty and fundamental human rights. It works to promote and support the establishment of democracy, development and the rule of law.
Several three-year projects, have been implemented to support the following results:
- People knowing and defending their rights;
- Respect for prisoner’s rights;
- Respect for children’s rights;
- Respect for women’s rights;
- The promotion of good governance.
- The Congress (supreme body that gathers every 4 years);
- The National Management Council (Conseil National Gestion, CNG) ;
- The specialised bodies: Women’s Rights Commission, Children’s Rights Commission, Legal, Research and Documentation Cell;
- The Executive Secretariat composed of a supporting personnel;
- A theatre group for the sensitisation of the general public
The Association is involved in the trial of former Chadian President Hissein Habré; its president is acting on behalf of the plaintiffs.