Believers Without Dichotomy Foundation (BELWIDIC) works with young entertainers in Nigeria to promote peace and social cohesion among young people throughout the country.
Believers Without Dichotomy Foundation (BELWIDIC), was founded in 2013, with the aim of addressing the problems stemming from the differences that tend to separate people and to cause conflicts. Inspired by the Modus Vivendi idea and the desire to see a world which is balanced, free of illogical ideologies and extremist ideas that causes violent conflicts.

Our vision is that all people are born different yet endowed with some certain level of reasoning to enable us co-exist harmoniously. Our mission is to deliver the teachings/knowledge that will awaken and encourage that reasoning in us.
Our key objectives are working with young entertainers in carrying out our work to create balance in our society and helping young people realize their worth in society and to work with them to end violence. We work with entertainers because the youths today are drawn to entertainments, and we work with youths because if they choose not to fight there won't be any war.

BELWIDIC has been impacting the lives of young people through our long term project titled Project EVIA (End Violence In Africa), activities have included:
- I Am No Surrogate Or War Machine (2015). EVIA Still running
- Stop Hate Speech (2017). EVIA Still running
- The World Needs Me (2018). EVIA Still running
- Unity football tournament (2018) Tagged Football For Peace in partnership with the Nigerian military Operations Safe Haven in Jos Plateau State and the Sector One Youth Movement. Completed.
- Mitigating Ethno-religious inequalities and discriminations in Plateau State.(2019 - 2020). Completed funded by PeaceDirect.

Participants at our projects are always numerous from 200 and above and the beneficiaries are large as we mostly work with entertainers, putting almost all audio visual platforms into use.
Our partners are: Displaced Women and Children Foundation, Plateau State Youth Council, Nigeria Military Operations Safe Haven Jos