The Bringing Peace Together (BPT) programme is a multifaceted group initiated in 2004, aiming at bringing together representatives of different peace movements in order to exchange visions and experiences with each other and thus bridge the gap between Israelis and Palestinians.
It is coordinated by the Panorama Centre for the Dissemination of Democracy and Community Development in Jerusalem. Among the project’s participants are Peace Now, IPCRI (Israeli Palestinian Center for Research and Information), IPCC (International Peace Cooperation Center), the Arik Institute, the Youth Forum for Development, members of the Geneva and The People’s Voice initiatives. The project focuses both on Israeli-Palestinian peace movements as well as regional and international peace movements.
The programme’s activities include roundtables, conferences, reports, coordination and network of peace movements, campaigns and non-violent activities. These promote democratic development and dialogue, while aiming at ending the occupation of Palestinian territories.