Collectif des Organisations pour la Défense du Droit à L’Energie (CODDAE)

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CODDAE works toward economic and social development, technological innovation, environmental protection and human development in Niger.
Last updated: December 2017

Collectif des Organisations pour la Défense du Droit à L’Energie (CODDAE; in English, the 'Collective Organisations for the Defence of the Right to Energy') works toward economic and social development, technological innovation and environmental protection, and is becoming a more prominent participant in human development in Niger.


Activities and goals of CODDAE

At its inception, CODDAE campaigned primarily for universal access to renewable energy sources in Niger, especially in rural areas. But the organisation leaders quickly realised that they would also need to mediate between consumers and the commercial energy companies after receiving many regular complaints. While consumers wanted better access to electricity for their households and no longer tolerated untimely power cuts, the energy companies were working to improve the supply in a country that imports more than half of its electricity from neighbouring Nigeria. The situation led to street protests and complaints from citizens who threatened to break into the company's headquarters.

It was then that CODDAE decided to expand its initial objectives and include awareness and radio programs for the public in order to explain the difficulties of a company that depends on external factors, such as the electricity company. The same procedure for conflict management was used to reconcile the position of a Nigerien hydrocarbon company as well.

CODDAE continues to raise awareness on many topics, such as the consequences and benefits of oil and mining companies and responsible mining practices. They seek to increase public awareness of the laws and regulations regarding environmental management and protection in order to promote sustainable development.

CODDAE plays a large role in promoting peace throughout Niger. It aims to strengthen the capacity of social actors and politicians to resolve conflict peacefully and sustainably. it also works to raise awareness among Nigeriens for a change of attitudes and behaviours in order to promote peaceful coexistence among different populations.

Promoting peace

Rapport Projet campagne pour la paixCODDAE believes that social dialogue thrives in a relaxed atmosphere with restored confidence, and thus puts on events to help bring communities together. One such event is a festival called Festival de la Concorde et de la Cohésion Sociale [Festival of Concord and Social Cohesion] that CODDAE puts on every two years in order to preserve peace among rural communities.

Another way CODDAE promotes peace is by displaying peaceful messages on billboards located on major streets of the capital Niamey, in the five municipalities of the urban community and also through the media. Campaigns and posters on strengthening peace challenge every citizen to be an agent of peace in order to put an end to the conflict and strengthen national unity.

CODDAE has also conductedmediation between workers, the government, traders, and rural communities, with the purpose of bringing communities together and pursuing sustainable peace.

 Success stories and achievements of CODDAE

The work of CODDAE is broad-ranging and has included the following achievements:

  • Protocol of Understanding between the Government and Doctors;
  • Protocol of Understanding CPRASE / Government;
  • Protocol of Understanding transport unions and Government;
  • Protocol of Understanding Directorate General SOMINA and workers;
  • Deploying 500 election observers in 2010;
  • Repatriating 600 Nigerien prisoners from Libya;
  • Welcoming home Ivorian, Malian and Libyan refugees;
  • Training traditional leaders and locally elected officials;
  • Fighting poverty;
  • Organising regional workshops.

In 2015, CODDAE has worked in particular to support Nigeriens faced with problems in accessing clean water, following difficulties related major water companies in March and April, above all in Niamey.

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