Crimean diaspora works to support Crimean people and IDPs to help them achieve economic integration in a new community, and thus, ensure the peaceful and sustainable development of Ukraine. It was established by a group of IDPs from Crimea in spring 2014.
Initially, Crimean diaspora was created for IDPs from Crimea, but because of the situation in Donbass, the organisation now offers support to IDPs from Eastern Ukraine as well. It focuses on supporting investment projects and on the development of the small and medium businesses of IDPs.
Crimean Diaspora is carrying out a number of activities focusing on the economic integration of IDPs from both The Crimea and Donbass.
Professional and education projects: The main initiative of the organisation is to help IDPs to adapt to a new community. It includes counselling and capacity building to help find jobs. Trainings for businessmen are offered in particular to refresh knowledge, develop companies, or on how to re-register their existing companies. For those who would like to open up enterprises they can enrol in the Academy of Business of School of Finance. Furthermore, Crimean diaspora helps to turn hobbies into a source of income in the School of Building Skills. IDPs are offered to learn handmade art. The first edition of the Academy of Business educated 200 IDPs. Out of these, 80 wrote business plans a 17 IDPs received grants to implement their business plans.Project "New count" offers support to open small and medium businesses, and also self-employment. Projects promote economic integration of IDPs.
Recreational activities: For families and children, Crimean diaspora carries out a number of psychosocial activities, theater performance classes, preparation for school, yoga classes, and others. In October 2015 was child friendly space Kid's Hub was launched.
Advocacy activities: Crimean diaspora carries out negotiations with banks in Ukraine to support existing and new businessmen who are IDPs to develop or start enterprise thought consultations and grant loans for business plans. Furthermore, the Crimean diaspora communicates with Kyiv authorities to support IDPs with finding accommodation.
Main achievements
- The advocacy of IDP's rights and their economic and social protection on a legislative level. As a result, several regulations were made to the law of Ukraine.
- The organisation of free housing for IDPs.
- Conducting surveys with partner organisations.
- Carrying out psycho-social consultations with IDPs.
- The organisation of meetings for coordinators of collective centers in participation with the Red Cross.
- The humanitarian support of IDP children.
- Capacity building of organisations that work with IDPs.
- Initiatives for children such as a drawing contest, and a summer holiday in Crimea.
- Conducting cultural events such as 'We love Crimea', and 'Crimea that we don't know'.
- The opening of the first Ukraine center of support for IDPs - 'IDP HUB'. IDP HUB is a space for IDPs where consultations on human rights and social protections, as well as related activities, are offered, including English lessons, yoga classes, business training etc. The IDP HUB provides opportunity to obtaining new profession or strengthening skills though trainings in an Academy of Business, School of Freelance, School of Skills, and School of Business. Every month, about 2000 IDPs attend IDP HUB. Members of the local community also attend training and sessions at the center to ensure communication, understanding and integration between IDPs and locals.
- Network of 15,000 persons
- Since April 2015 to October 2016 more than 3,500 events were conducted ( trainings, workshops, etc)
- 560 families received plot of land due to support of IDP HUB
- $ 7 million has been invested to IDP support and their business initiatives
- 65% (1,000 persons) of those who requested help were employed. Out of them 900 IDPs found jobs due to joint project with Adra Ukraine (Project of economic integration of IDPs)
- 400 IDPs studied in Academy of Business;
- Through project "New count out" in cooperation with Renaissance Foundation, 36 persons received financial grants for opening small and medium businesses ( for example, goat farm, furniture production etc).