The Educators Association for Human Rights (EAHR) was registered as a Trust in 2009. Its mission includes the promotion of social and economic rights through the provision of Diverse developmental infrastructure, smart environment and greening agenda for the benefit of the broader society. In order to help create a tolerant Society whose diversity and divergence of technological, educational, cultural, political and ethnical views are respected and nurtured in an atmosphere where the sediment of ignorance, fear, silence and misinformation are eradicated to enhance a culture of democracy and respect for human rights in Zimbabwe.
The broad aims of EAHR seek to inculcate and promote a culture of respect of good human rights, peace and good governance. They also include the campaign for the right to education for all people in Zimbabwe in view of recent hikes of fees in all institutions of learning.
Among its objectives are:
- to promote United Nations & African Human Rights Charter
- to educate Zimbabweans on the importance of maintaining a proper human rights record according to Rights to Society and Country at large as outlined in The Geneva Convention
- to lobby for policies that promote a respectable education system in Zimbabwe according to International Standards
- to lobby against all barriers and bottlenecks in the Education system of Zimbabwe that prevent opening of education to private players in Zimbabwe
- to discourage all forms of political harassment and persecution of educators, which might disadvantage learning of children
- to promote peace and good governance in Zimbabwe through introduction of human Rights education in schools and colleges
- to encourage community participation in the fight against all forms of corruption.
Since 2000 general elections a lot of educators such as Teachers and Lecturers, have fallen victim to political machinations owing to their stance against deteriorating standards in education. Many lost their jobs and a lot many were tortured, maimed and harassed for perceived political “crimes.” A lot many continue to suffer today for politically related “crimes”.The Association endeavors to provide a platform for these silenced voices to share their painful experiences and map the way forward so as to resuscitate the education system.
Lack of education and information on Human Rights issues at grassroots has resulted in the development of a culture of silence, much to the advantage of an abusive leadership. Together with other likeminded Civic and Church organizations, the Association hopes to forge a strategic alliance so as to create a broad sided Social Movement for Democracy