Jericho Hope and Peace (JHP)


JHP in acronym, is a framework for exchange which advocates for the promotion of the rights of people affected by armed conflicts, particularly women, young people and vulnerable children, and for peaceful cohabitation within communities in DR Congo

Last updated: March 2022

JERICHO HOPE AND PEACE, a non-governmental humanitarian aid organisation created in Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo in November 2012, legally recognised according to the law in force in the DRC governing non-profit and humanitarian organisations: Operating authorisation N°5072/009/C. K/2018, Registration Certificate N°08/DIVAS/ N-k/AS/089/2016, N°F.92/26.531 and Min du plan: 777/DPP/NK/2020.

JERICHO HOPE AND PEACE (JHP) is a framework for exchange which advocates for the promotion of the rights of people affected by armed conflicts, particularly women, young people and vulnerable children, and for peaceful cohabitation within communities

Over the past 5 years, 2,400 vulnerable and at-risk youths, including 1,600 boys and 800 girls, have been made aware of their involvement and active participation in active non-violence; 20 youth peace exchange clubs have been set up in the province of North Kivu and have sensitised at least 2,400 young people on restoring mutual trust between young people and the population and creating favourable conditions for sustainable peaceful cohabitation.

From 2016 to date, 1,226 vulnerable young people, including 536 children released from armed forces and groups, have been trained in professional trades and entrepreneurship and reintegrated into their respective communities. Today, these young people are taking charge of their lives and have become the actors of their own change and live peacefully together in their communities.

Our Vision: ''To build a land of hope and peace''.

Our Mission: To alleviate as much as possible the suffering of people in distress through our appropriate, rapid, sustainable and better coordinated intervention programmes in humanitarian emergency and development situations.

Our values:

  • Sensitivity to the suffering of the population;
  • Respect for human dignity;
  • Compassion for vulnerable, oppressed and distressed people;
  • Listening, communication and positive influence towards others;
  • Creativity and commitment;
  • Integrity and serenity and non-discrimination.

Areas of intervention :

North Kivu: City of Goma, Nyiragongo, Masisi and Rutchuru territories

Ituri: Bunia and DJUGU territory

South Kivu: Bukavu, Uvira and the territories of Kabare and Walungu

Latest from Democratic Republic of the Congo

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