Institute for Youth Development (KULT) focuses its work on political and peacebuilding education of young people, to enable them to become active and engaged members of their communities. As well as training young people, KULT builds strong partnerships with local authorities and the wider community to ensure the long-term sustainability of their projects.
The mission of KULT is the development of an open society, starting from the local/municipal level, where all citizens would be equally involved in decision-making processes pertaining to public life. KULT has significant experience in developing and drafting legal regulations at various levels of government. KULT initiated the adoption of the 'Law on Youth' in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Brčko District, after having created a draft Law on Youth with the assistance of other organisations and in cooperation with the Federal Commission for Youth in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly. The Law was ultimately adopted.
Association KULT is the founder of the Youth Educational Recreational Centre SPAJALICA, which is located in Ilidža, and the Youth Centre in Gradačac. Activities of these youth centres are closely related with the development of civil society in both entities of Bosnia-Herzegovina, through cooperation with authorities and other important stakeholders, including international organisations, relevant institutions and individuals. Of particular mention is KULT's street campaign; a collaboration between the young people and municipal authorities in the form of a 'silent performance', that was successfully organised on a number of occasions throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina. The performance has become a part of KULT's regular programme, which is being upgraded and updated every year in line with current developments and circumstances.
The Institute for Youth Development KULT was founded at the national level in 2002 under the name Association KULT, and it continued its activities under that name until May 2011.