The Self-Help Association for Rural People Through Education & Entrepreneurship (SHAREE) works for the mainstreaming of minorities with special emphasis on the Dalit Community, empowerment of women through establishing women rights, and social development. It was established in 1992 and is a women-led organisation.
SHAREE believe that there has not been enough focus on the development of minority, particularly Dalit and indigenous women's rights. SHAREE believes in non-directive, bottom up, integrated and participatory development frameworks, and acts as a catalyst with concerned people in its working areas.
The organisation's mission is to enhance the capacity and opportunity of women and children, establishing self-governed institutions and networks and influencing the formulation of policy at national level.
- The rights of minorities are promoted, protected and established.
- Equal rights for Dalit and minority women are established.
- Untouchable communities and minorities are included in mainstream society and state development mechanisms.
- Illiteracy among the vulnerable community is eradicated.
- Victims of natural disasters are well advised, prepared and capable of managing such situations.
- Sensitisation meetings with the local leaders of the Dalit Community on constitutional rights and citizen rights.
- Increasing the capacity of Panchayets and women's groups on human rights, leadership skills and campaign planning.
- Organising meetings with government authorities and community leaders to ensure sector support and mainstreaming
- Organising campaigns on issues relating to Dalit, minority, and women's rights.
- Observing international days on human rights, dignity and the abolition of discrimination.
- Media campaigning and publishing on Dalit, women's and minority rights.