The Peace Building Resource Centre (PBRC) was founded in Liberia in 1998 as a result of a major piece of research conducted on peacebuilding in complex political emergencies. PBRC works to create an environment suitable for peace through research, training, advocacy and community development.
As part of its mission, the organisation strives for good governance in Liberia, characterised by the principles of accountability, transparency and justice.
Through its projects, PBRC hopes to facilitate national and local dialogue for the attainment of consolidated peace and sustainable development.
Projects include:
- Participatory Action Research (PAR) to record potential conflict issues in the north west Liberia in partnership with UNOPS/Interpeace with funding from the Peacebuilding Fund.
- A conflict Assessment and Analysis process with funding from United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
- The Inter-Ethnic Reconciliation project in partnership with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) with funding support from the Liberia Peacebuilding fund.
- PBRC is actively implementing community awareness activities around the Gbarnga Regional Justice and Security Hub, which is a major project funded under the Liberia Peacebuilding Program and intended to strengthen the Liberia Justice and security sector in anticipation of the eventual draw down of the UN Missions in Liberia.
- PBRC implemented the Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) project in three districts (Voinjama, Foya and Kolahun), which focused on the prevention of SEA - a potential source of conflict at the community level - through the training of 600 girls and 400 boys and 100 teachers with funding support from UNICEF.
PBRC carried out awareness on nonviolence election in Gbarpolu County during the special senatorial election in 2014 with support from IREX. PBRC is carrying out conflict monitoring on border,land and youth drug abuse in Grand Cape Mount and Gbarpolu Counties with support from T rustAfrica.PBRC is training and supporting County Peace Committee members of Gbarpolu County in conflict prevention over land disputes.PBRC is training young people that live near the Gola Forest in Enterprise Development to reduce their reliance on the Forest Resources in the Gola Forest.
PBRC works extensively with community-based organisations in the implementation of all of its projects through training, advocacy, community mobilisation and research. PBRC is registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, accredited by the Ministries of Justice and Planning and Economic Affairs.