The Platform of Haitian Human Rights Organizations (Platform of Haitian Human Rights Organizations, POHDH) is a non-political, non-denominational, non-profit association of seven Haitian institutions committed to supporting human rights in Haiti.
POHDH was formed after the coup d'état in 1991. The systematic repression by soldiers against the popular democratic movement that followed that and massive human rights violations in general, prompted organizations working in social and community development to come together and initiate work specifically related to human rights. The Platform carries out a wide range of activities related to four main thematic areas: peace and human rights education; the judiciary; communication and advocacy; and resaerch, analysis, reflection and documentation.
Through this work, it aims to achieve its objectives, which are to :
- To engage actively with the population to fight for the promotion and defence of human rights ;
- To enable organizations to exchange experiences and work and to pool their resources;
- Promote joint action to meet the need for human rights training and mutual legal assistance in Haiti ;
- To ensure continuous monitoring, verification and dissemination of information on the human rights situation in Haiti.