Rabbis for Human Rights is an Israeli organisation concerned specifically with giving voice to the Jewish tradition of human rights. The organisation sees itself as teaching a different understanding of the Jewish tradition. Among its members are rabbis in national leadership positions, as well as educators and congregational rabbis capable of influencing change from the grassroots. The organisation is an important outlet for information on human rights in Israel and the territories.
Rabbis for Human Rights has been active, since its foundation, in advocating for the rights of marginalised members of society, in defending the rights of minorities in Israel and of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, and in the prevention of flagrant violations of the basic human rights of foreign workers.
The organisation puts pressure on policy-makers in Israel to protect the human rights of weak groups, including the right to medical care, shelter, education and minimal living standards. From the organisations inception, thousands of volunteers have participated in hundreds of actions towards achieving justice in the State and society.