Reseau des Batisseurs de la Paix au Congo (RBPC)

Reseau des Batisseurs de la Paix au Congo (RBPC) is a network of organisations working locally in DRC to address causes of conflicts and look for ways to solve them.
Last updated: November 2017

Reseau des Batisseurs de la Paix au Congo (RBPC) is a network of organisations working locally in DR Congo to address causes of conflicts and look for ways to solve them. It monitors and addresses conflicts in various parts of East DR Congo.


  • Contribute to the promotion and consolidation of peace through non violent conflicts resolution, respect of human rights and durable development.
  • Organise conferences and seminars on the themes of peace, human rights, democracy and good governance
  • Facilitate projects and programmes of research on the construction of peace, human rights and democracy.
  • Work for the realisation of the millennium goals for development

Major achievements:

  • Raised awareness of land law among local people in cooperation with local authorities, journalists, civil society and religious leaders, thereby sustainably preventing land conflicts
  • Young people now resisting militia recruitment and participation in violence
  • Economic and social reintegration of ex-combatants through agricultural microfinance projects
  • Established rapid response unit to prevent and react to violent escalations

Latest from Democratic Republic of the Congo

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