Reseau des Femmes pour la Paix (REFEPA)

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REFEPA is working to build a framework that coordinates the effective participation of women in conflict prevention, conflict management and peace promotion.
Last updated: December 2017

Reseau des Femmes pour la Paix (REFEPA; in English, 'Women's Network for Peace') is working to build a framework that coordinates the effective participation of women in conflict prevention, conflict management and peace promotion, in collaboration with other organisations working in the field.



REFEPA aims to strengthen the status of women in their communities and improve their overall quality of life. It does this by increasing the capacity of women leaders in conflict prevention and management, promoting interaction and cooperation between its members, fostering training and development and developing women's leadership skills.

In its peacebuilding work, REFEPA identifies and strengthens peace initiatives in order to achieve long lasting peace. It researches and popularises traditional and modern conflict resolution methods, capitalising on best practices developed by women in this area. For victims of conflict, REFEPA contributes to their social and economic integration for recovery.

Creating social change

REFEPA implemented a project to promote women's access to agricultural land in Niger. This is a challenging undertaking because of the social context of Niger which suggests that women do not have the right to land. Their work in the area contributes to strengthening women's rights, social status and leadership roles.


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