RNOJDH is a network of organisations promoting human rights and peacebuilding in CAR.
Last updated: December 2019
The Réseau National des Organisations de Jeunesse en droits de l’Homme (RNOJDH, National Network of Youth Human Rights Organisations) is a network of organisations promoting human rights in CAR. Its goals are to reinforce collaboration among organisations working on human rights; advocate for the respect of human rights; support young activists and youth and community-based organisations working on human rights; and build conflict resolution capacity.
RNOJDH's work is focused on conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Since the conflict in CAR began, it has:
- Trained over 500 young people in social cohesion
- Organised a workshop on gender-based violence for Muslim women and girls in Bangui
- Organised a conference and debated on GBV, mediation and national and international civilian protection standards