Service for Peace (SFP) collaborates with communities in Ivory Coast in order to address significant development issues. In doing so, SFP adopts a community-based approach which treats communities and their institutions as assets and partners in the search for solutions to their development challenges. SFP believes that effective community development has to be community based. SFP provides on-going assistance through a variety of local and international projects that address local issues, as identified by community partners.
Activities of SFP have included:
- Social cohesion workshops
- Community training on citizenship and the culture of peace
- Training women leaders in the electoral process
- Reconciliation of communities in conflict
Disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration
In 2009, SFP assisted a group of ex-combatants in demobilising and surrendering their weapons. In partnership with other organisations, around 800 weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition were collected and decommissioned. The ex-combatants received training on citizenship and culture of peace in order to help them return to civilian life. Many of them now have sustainable jobs.