Women Peace Initiatives - Uganda (WOPI-U)

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WOPI-U was founded in response to the tremendous suffering the LRA conflict has caused In Uganda, particularly its impact on women.
Last updated: August 2015

Women Peace Initiatives-Uganda (WOPI-U) was founded in 2003 by a group of women with the goal of bringing back peace, development and a violence free society to Northern Uganda. It was established to respond to the tremendous suffering the LRA conflict had caused, particularly the severe impacts on women. The activities of the organisation include:

  • Forming peace clubs in communities and schools.
  • Broadcasting peace messages to young people and adults in and out of school.
  • Holding radio talk shows on peacebuilding and sexual and gender based violence.
  • Training formerly abducted women/girls in life skills.
  • Supporting the reintegration of formerly abducted girls/women by supporting the training of 22 of them in tailoring by purchasing tailoring equipment, including sewing machines. A further 23 women were trained to rear goats and were supported by procuring two female and two male goats to enable them to develop a breeding programme and create a sustainable livelihood.
  • Strengthening joint counselling and guidance services for the community where WOPI-U operates, with an emphasis on women and child survivors of sexual and gender based violence.
  • Training police officers, other security forces, child protection committees, and clan leaders on their roles in the protection of women and children’s rights.
  • Holding co-ordination meetings with stakeholders of gender based violence and child protection.
  • Training women on aspects of human rights with an emphasis on women's rights.
  • Coordinating Lira District Women Task Force to monitor the implementation of PRDP in order to ensure it is addressing the needs of the women.
  • Monitoring health service delivery
  • Raising awareness of HIV/AIDS issues.

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