Peace Insight is the leading resource online for information on local peacebuilding. It features regular articles on local peacebuilding and a database of peacebuilding initiatives from across the world.

Peace Insight is published by the organisation Peace Direct. Peace Direct believes that in every conflict there are dynamic peacebuilding organisations working to resolve disputes peacefully – we work to support and promote them.

If you work for or with a local peacebuilding initiatives, you may wish to include information on your peacebuilding work on Peace Insight.

Benefits of listing your organisation on Peace Insight:


If you share information on your work, we will create a dedicated profile page for the world to see. More than 4,000,000 people visited the website in 2009 – these people will have the chance to discover the contribution you are making to resolving conflict.

We promote our site to practitioners and policymakers around the world to draw attention to local peacebuilding organisations like yours.

You can update your information at any time, and we will help format and present your information in a clear way. We will link to your website and any other information about your work you wish to highlight. We are independent and non-political, and will never disclose information you do not wish to be publicly available.

You also have the opportunity to share other information on our site. We publish guest articles from local organisations featuring updates on their work and developments on the ground.

There is no charge for featuring your organisation on our site, and never will be – all the benefits listed here are free.


We have a team of ‘Local Peacebuilding Experts’ who ensure that we feature quality organisations and keep the information up to date.

These Local Peacebuilding Experts have a large number of contacts, and may be able to help you collaborate with other organisations. You can use our site to find out about other local peacebuilding organisations active in your country.

Peace Direct in the past has used our listings of peace groups to arrange peacebuilding conferences in countries such as Pakistan, DR Congo, Nigeria, Mali, and Central African Republic.

We also feature listings of all the international organisations and international non-governmental organisations working in each country. This is an excellent source of information on the other groups who might be able to help you with your work.

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