Research this month
Understanding peacebuilding as essentially local
The art of peacebuilding thus lies in pursuing the appropriate balance between international support and home-grown context-specific solutions.
Understanding peacebuilding as essentially local argues for a rethink in the way the concept of local ownership is understood by internationals. The author makes the case that local ownership is generally viewed as a top-down process, and that a bottom up approach is needed if the concept is to be meaningful.
Local First in peacebuilding
A “Local First” approach looks primarily for the capacity within the country or society and only brings in external assistance where no local capacity can be found. But, Local First does not mean local only – very often the most effective solution involves a partnership between internal and external organizations.
Local First in peacebuilding outlines how a "Local First" approach works in the peacebuilding field.
Communication for peacebuilding priority grant program learning group report.
The overwhelming consensus that came out of the workshop and seemed to undergird all of the discussions was that gaining an in-depth, nuanced understanding of the target population’s needs and desires is essential to both the immediate success and long term sustainability of projects.
Communication for peacebuilding is the result of an initiative to better understand the impact and potential of communication technology for peacebuilding. Three projects were funded in DR Congo, Central African Republic, and Kenya. This paper summarises experiences, chanllenges, and lessons learned.
Losing the Syrian grassroots: local governance structures urgently need support
The danger is that without adequate and consistent support from the international community, local grassroots organizations are in danger of becoming merely a voice and not a meaningful actor.
Losing the Syrian grassroots details the development of local governance structures amidst the Syrian civil war. The paper urges more international support be given to these organisations in order to ensure they remain a powerful voice for building a democratic Syria.
Accord Insight: Women building peace
The case studies illustrate how women have found innovative and creative ways to contribute to peace through both formal and informal processes. They also show how women’s peace efforts play a role in addressing the structural changes necessary for sustainable peace.
Women building peace is a series of nine case studies highlighting the work of women peacebuilders in conflicts around the world.
Too little or enough? Peacebuilding in small spaces
Peacebuilding in small spaces is a collection of articles looking at the idea of "smalls spaces" in peacebuilding - situations where opportunities for peacebuilding may be constrained, shrinking or expanding. Articles include civil society access to the UN, women activists in the Balkans, and ecumenical accompaniers in Israel an Palestine.
From the blog
Make love not war: sex and peacebuilding in Mindanao
When peacebuilders and researchers meet
Landry Ninteretse, Insight on Conflict’s Local Correspondent for Burundi, provides insight into his recent meeting with peacebuilders and researchers, and argues that local people have a central role to play in conflict resolution and transformation. Read more »
Pakistan calling: raising awareness of civil society through film.
Pakistan Calling is a online media project from the Royal Society of the Arts (RSA) and The Samosa, using film to raise awareness and support for civil society in Pakistan. Read more »
A Post-2015 development framework
Ivan Lewis MP sets out the UK Labour Party’s vision for a Post-2015 development framework. One which puts tackling inequality and promoting sustainability at the heart of any new framework. Read more »
We are everywhere the same, listening. (Part two)
The second instalment of Stephanie Rose Wood’s Photography Feature, “We are everywhere the same, listening” ( >part one). The photographs published here are the documentary photographs that Stephanie took whilst travelling in Sri Lanka, meeting with people who worked at various community organisations. Read more »
Uganda: Investors must involve the locals in acquiring land for investment
On Saturday 9 February 2013, a land dispute in Nwoya district, Uganda, between local people and big business turned violent. Otim Denis Barnabas, from Ugandan organisation the Refugee Law Project, looks at the issues driving the conflict. Read more »