Research this month
We won't wait: As war ravages Yemen, its women strive to build peace
The barriers to Yemeni women raising their voices and telling their stories to the world must be removed. There is an urgent need to bridge the gap between women leading peace efforts at the national and international levels, and those doing so at a local level.
We won't wait, from Oxfam and Saferworld, highlights the work of women-led initiatives building peace and tackling the consequences of conflict in Yemen. The report demonstrates that despite immense difficulties, there are women leading peacebuilding across the country. It calls for greater participation of women at the national and international level.
The crisis in South Sudan (Humanitarian Exchange Magazine)
At a systemic level, the international community tends to see the South Sudanese population as passive recipients of our assistance, when in reality this couldn’t be further from the truth ... ... ... Every South Sudanese person we encounter is faced with a complex set of choices, and their agency to navigate these choices is one of the main assets available to the country if the situation is to improve.
The latest edition of Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, from the Overseas Development Institute, focuses on the crisis in South Sudan. The magazine looks at a range of issues facing the country and includes articles on improving local accountability, violence against women and girls, and the effects of instability on aid programmes.
Perspectives of non-state armed groups in the Central African Republic
There is scope and need for local people and informal institutions ... who enjoy a level of trust within communities, to act as convenors of dialogue and reconciliation to prepare and accompany DDRR processes.
Perspectives of non-state armed groups in the Central African Republic, from Conciliation Resources, seeks to provide insight into the reasons for participation in armed groups in the Central African Republic. Based on interviews with members of groups on both sides of the conflict, the report furthers understanding of where peacebuilding efforts should be focused.
African Journal on Conflict Resolution (Volume 16 No. 2)
The latest edition of the African Journal of Conflict Resolution, from ACCORD, includes articles looking at indigenous approaches to conflict resolution in Ethiopia, overcoming the trauma of sexual violence through storytelling in Uganda, and inter-group conflict on the border between Kenya and Ethiopia.
Peacewatch: Yemen
The NGO sector in Yemen has shifted dramatically in the last decade, and especially since 2011, in favour of new youth- and women- focused organisations. They are attempting to shake off the so-called ‘big brother’ organisations and their attempts at political control
Peacewatch: Yemen, from Peace Direct, is the first in a new series of reports highlighting local peacebuilding initiatives in conflict zones. A vast amount of research and analysis is produced on conflict issues around the world. But less is written on the efforts of those trying to stop war, even as it rages around them. So our new reports, compiled by our network of Local Peacebuilding Experts, will provide coverage of efforts taking place on the ground, where others cannot reach.
Funding opportunities
PeaceNexus Foundation Organizational Development Grant
The PeaceNexus Foundation Organizational Development Grant helps civil society organisations deal with challenges and achieve greater impact. PeaceNexus welcomes applications from local organisations in the Western Balkans, Central Asia, and West Africa. Deadline: 14 February. Find out more
Rotary Peace Fellowships
The Rotary Peace Fellowship is open for applications from professionals from around the world to receive fellowships to study at one of its peace centers. Through academic training, practice, and global networking opportunities, the Rotary Peace Centers program develops leaders who become catalysts for peace and conflict prevention and resolution. These fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship and field-study expenses. Deadline: 31 May 2017. Find out more
Youth Peace Camp
The Council of Europe is seeking applications for its Youth Peace Camp 2017 in order to engage young people and youth organisations from conflict affected regions in dialogue and conflict transformation activities based on human rights education and intercultural learning during and after the camp. Deadline: 08 February 2017. Find out more
Protection Support Fund
The Protection Support Fund aims to reinforce the sustainability of local human rights organisations. The call prioritises proposals for consolidating operational capacities of local human rights organisations. Grants of between €5,000 and €20,000 are available. Deadline: 15 March 2017. Find out more
Open Society Initiative for West Africa
The Open Society Initiative for West Africa is accepting proposals from local organisations based in West Africa to support the creation of open societies marked by functioning democracy, good governance, the rule of law, basic freedoms, and widespread civic participation. Deadline: 30 May 2017. Find out more
HumanityX Cross-Over Fund
The HumanityX Cross-Over Fund gives digital innovators the opportunity to improve a process, product or service within the peace, justice or humanitarian sector. Grants of up to €50,000 are available. Deadline: 17 February 2017. Find out more
Mind & Life Institute PEACE Awards
The PEACE Awards support research on novel interdisciplinary approaches for investigating and nurturing wholesome mental qualities related to Prosociality, Empathy, Altruism, Compassion, and Ethics (PEACE). Two levels of funding are available through this program: up to $25,000 and up to $100,000. Deadline: 14 April 2017. Find out more
Next Generation Women Leaders Award
McKinsey & Company is currently inviting female students and experienced professionals across Europe, the Middle East and Africa to apply for the Next Generation Women Leaders Award 2017. The award includes €2,000 and individual mentorship from McKinsey consultants. Deadline: 06 March 2017. Find out more
The Middle East Partnership Initiative Program
The Office of Assistance Coordination’s Middle East Partnership Initiative Program is seeking proposals for its Local Grants Program. The program supports partnerships between citizens, organizations, and governments in the MENA region to resolve shared challenges and promote shared interests in the areas of participatory governance, economic reform and educational advancement. Grants of between $50,000 and $150,000 are available. Deadline: 22 March 2017. Find out more
From the blog
Community peacemakers build bridges in post-Ebola West Africa