A monthly selection of the best new research and resources on local peacebuilding worldwide, as chosen by Insight on Conflict. This month’s edition features a case study of locally-led DDR in DR Congo, community security in Bangladesh and more. To receive the email newsletter each month, please sign-up here or email joel@insightonconflict.org.
Coming Home: A Case Study of Community Led Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration in DR Congo
Coming Home is a case study from Peace Direct looking at a locally led DDR programme in DR Congo, and comparing costs and impacts between local and international programmes.
Creating Safer Communities in Bangladesh
This paper from Saferworld details the lessons learned from Saferworld's work with community security initiatives in Bangladesh between 2008 and 2011.
An evaluation of the local peace building approaches by Scott Wilson Nepal
This report evaluates the approaches of USAID to local peacebuilding programmes in Nepal. The report examines the strengths and weaknesses of the programmes and offers recommendations.
Gender and Statebuilding in South Sudan
This publication from USIP argues that creating a strong sense of gender equality is essential to successful statebuilding in South Sudan. The paper looks at the opportunities and challenges of gender equality, and gives recommendations for South Sudan and the international community.
Local Justice and Security Development in Burundi: Workplace Associations as a Pathway Ahead
This report argues that, in Burundi, workplace associations provide an important role in supporting local justice and security. However, the role of such organisations is largely unrecognised, and as such the report recommends the donor community provide more support and attention.
From the Blog
- There are concrete steps the Congolese political establishment can take to avert post-election violence, if external pressure helps to engender the necessary political will. Read more >>>
- Summary of research on DDR projects carried out by the international community in the DRC, including explanations for limited success of initiatives. Read more >>>
- A new platform designed for exchanging ideas and for learning about using technology in conflict and crisis areas. Read more >>>
- Annet Henneman from Teatro di Nascosto, tells of her time in Iraq working with a group of four young men from Baghdad to produce a theater reportage. Read more >>>
- 10 years on from the US-led overthrow of the Taliban, what does the future hold for Afghanistan? Read more >>>
- Involving children and young people is crucial to ensuring a long-term, sustainable peace in Sri Lanka. Read more >>>
- Practical advice on travelling and conducting peacebuilding field research in Uganda. Read more >>>
- 7 tips for fundraising for peace and conflict resolution projects. Read more >>>
- What does innovation in peacebuilding look like? Or, how can social entrepreneurship help reduce violence? Read more >>>