The Groupe d'Appui au Rapatriés et Refugiés (Support Group for Refugees and Returnees, GARR), works to promote respect for and the defence of human rights. It focuses on refugees, returnees, users of the Haitian-Dominican border, and, since the 2010 earthquake, internally displaced people.
GARR considers migration to be a global social phenomenon with both positive and negative aspects for countries of origin and arrival. The respect of migrant rights can contribute to rapprochement between peoples, increasing social justice and solidarity in society.
Main objectives
GARR aims to promote and defend the rights of migrants with a view to establishing more just and solid relationships between peoples. In particular, it:
- Develops advocacy activities in order to change politics, practices and laws unfavourable to migrants, to help bring about decisions to improve their conditions, and to promote better relations between Haiti and the Dominican Republic;
- Encourages local initiatives for the organisation of a more dignified welcome for returnees, refugees and other mgirants, and to provide humanitarian and legal assistance to the victims of human rights violations; and
- Facilitates the reintegration and rehabilitation in Haiti of returnees, refugees and IDPs.
Find out more about Groupe d’Appui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés on The New York Times, Haiti Press Network and Huffpost Impact.