Taabir, the Tunisian Association for Artistic and Digital Expression, was founded in Tunis in 2011.Its mission is to participate in human development and the promotion of a culture of citizenship by creating Tunisian artistic content which popularises notions of human rights, citizenship and democracy.
Taabir encourages creative ways of expression through training programmes, coaching and the production of artistic projects. It works to bring together pure artistic expression and the societal uses of digital technologies. Taabir has had numerous projects in the cultural, artistic, educative and social fields.

Taabir aims to promote the development of human rights and culture through the enhancement of artistic training programmes, the production of digital content, and advocacy campaigns.
It also aims to create art-badsed shared common spaces for reflection, in order to influence social, cultural and educational change.
Follow Taabir on Facebook and learn more about it on the Huffington Post, Realites, Naawat, La Presse, Tunisie, Femmes de Tunisie, Baraka Bits and Business Flood.