African Resources Trust (ART)

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Africa Resources Trust (ART) was established in 1990. ART is dedicated to the alleviation of poverty in Africa and focuses on the …

Última actualización: Julio 2018

Africa Resources Trust (ART) was established in 1990. ART is dedicated to the alleviation of poverty in Africa and focuses on the sustainable use of natural resources by rural communities. ART enables Africa’s rural people to articulate their perspectives and, as a southern organisation, counters the traditional North-South flow of information. ART believes that informing the public and policy-makers in the North is essential to the success of sustainable development in the South.

ART’s areas of focus are:

  • Policy analysis
  • Information Outreach, and
  • Networking and capacity building

ART’s On-going and Recent Activities include:

  • Support to the Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) in Zimbabwe through promoting the CAMPFIRE conservation and development in local, regional and international media.
  • Support to the SADC Regional Community Based Natural Resource Management Projects (SADC CBNRM) with focus on Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
  • ART’s European Union funded Conservation and Development Opportunities from Sustainable Development (CODEOSUB) Southern African Project.
  • Ecotourism Project: This project is designed to establish an ecotourism network for East and Southern Africa.
  • All these activities and programmes have a strong component of peaceful interactions and abhorrence of violence. In the context of the violence that characterised elections in Zimbabwe, participants are encouraged to take each other as brothers and sisters, who are interdependent, and so should shun violence as a means of achieving one’s goals .

Lo último de Zimbabue

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