Another Mother for Peace (AMP)

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Another Mother for Peace educates women to take an active role in eliminating war as a means of solving disputes between nations, people and ideologies.
Última actualización: Enero 2018

Another Mother for Peace was founded in 1967 by a group of women strongly opposed to the war in Vietnam. Their mission was to create a non-partisan, non-profit organization “to educate women to take an active role in eliminating war as a means of solving disputes between nations, people and ideologies.” Dedicated to the principle that war is obsolete, AMP encouraged its members to do Peace Homework by writing to elected government officials to express their desire for peace. Several purposes of the organization are:

  • To preserve the legacy of Another Mother for Peace
  • To educate the public to take active roles in eliminating war as a means of solving disputes among nations, people, and ideologies, and to be dedicated to the principle that war is obsolete – that civilized methods must be creatively sought and implemented to resolve international differences
  • To strengthen American democracy by promoting dialogue between the people and elected representatives in promoting peace
  • To distribute educational material by mail, electronic mail, internet, and in-person, i.e. posters, bumper stickers, Peace Seals, Peace Notes, cards, medallions, etc. all of which include the trademark logo – the Sunflower with the statement: “War is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things”
  • To preserve the artist’s intended use of the “War is not healthy for children and other living things” trademark and copyright.


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