Association des Juene Diplomes de Kimre

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The association works to provide lasting solutions for community conflicts in Chad.
Última actualización: Junio 2018

The Association des Juene Diplomes de Kimre was created almost ten years ago to answer to the precariousness of rural life because of the agro-pastoral conflicts. The association is trying to find a solution to put an end to this recurring phenomenon in the region.

Their project "dialogue and mediation", financed by donations and legacies, has made possible to work for peace because the latter is a guarantee of all forms of development.

In this project, the association has been able to provide a lasting solution to the problem of respect for the right to be different and intolerant between communities (and between farmers) who once looked at each other with suspicion, hatred and scorn. Thanks to the implementation of this project, today, these two communities live together peacefully.

They also trained young volunteers (100), who helped to bring more peace in the life of the community through sensitization and mediation campaigns.

Lo último de Chad

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