Bangladesh Labour Welfare Foundation

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BLF represents the interest of the working people in Bangladesh
Última actualización: Mayo 2018

Bangladesh Labour Welfare Foundation (BLF), established in 2001 and based in Bangladesh, is a non-government, non-profit and non-partisan organization represents the interest of the working people in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Labour Welfare Foundation works for the welfare of workers, working people, professionals, women, children, employee and families by undertaking various programs and projects. This organization is determined to defend human rights complying with labor standards in Bangladesh. BLF believes that working class only can enjoy benefits from the workplace if trade unions are united.

BLF carries out campaign based action for the trade union rights and defends trade unionists in case of any violation of human rights ensued from trade union activities.

In the industrial sector in Bangladesh, Occupation Health and Safety is a concern as myriads of workers suffer every year due to inhuman condition in the factories. Through programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment, The BLF aims to create awareness of the impacts of work-centric accidents, injuries and diseases.

The BLF provides its workforce to support the Government's initiative Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) where deprived women are given training on various money generating activities. In this project, participants are given a certain amount of rice/wheat so that they can take a temporary break from the struggles and concentrate on the training. Through the child labour free zone program BLF works against the practice of putting children into works through capacity building of local communities as well as through arranging education program for the deprived children.

Over the last two decades gender relations in Bangladesh have been undergoing a transformation process as part of economic transition and social change. This results in a flow of women workers into the industry level. However, women often find themselves at the bottom of the job-hierarchy along with minimal amount of salary. BLF vows to empower women against negligent application of social protection and legislation.

BLF is committed to protect of the rights of all workers, create a productive and economic independent society that's free from poverty, discrimination and where people can exercise their basic social and human rights, social justice through activities that focus on youth and women, children and working people of Bangladesh.

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