Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach (BOSCO Uganda)

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BOSCO Uganda's vision is, “To provide innovative ICT solutions using a collaborative and web-based approach to foster socio-economic development and peacebuilding in rural communities in Northern Uganda.”
Última actualización: Septiembre 2010

Consistent with the Uganda Communications Commission's Rural Communication Development Policy, Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach (BOSCO Uganda) was launched in April of 2007, bringing Internet and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony to rural areas of Northern Uganda.

BOSCO Uganda's vision is “To provide innovative ICT (Information and Communication Technology) solutions using a collaborative and web-based approach to foster socio-economic development and peacebuilding in rural communities in Northern Uganda.”

Information and Communication Technology promotes and enhances dialogue. People are able to engage themselves in a long-lasting, deep-rooted contact, sitting down and exploring their feelings about the conflict and each other, and developing an improved understanding of the concerns, fears, and needs of the other side. This then breeds different approaches to conflict resolution: improved interpersonal relationships, understanding, and trust – at least between individuals, if not between groups as a whole.

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