Center for Conflict Resolution

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CCR prevents violence by providing a safe, structured and positive environment where individuals can choose understanding over escalating conflict.
Última actualización: Enero 2019

The Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR) prevents violence by providing: a safe, structured and positive environment where individuals can choose understanding over escalating conflict, processes that empower people to resolve, manage and transform conflict in their lives and training that imparts the skills and tools that are necessary to create peaceful solutions and restore relationships.

Prevent: CCR works with children and youth to teach skills that prevent normal conflict from becoming verbally or physically violent. Collaboration becomes the new normal.

Educate: Interactive and experiential training provides a forum for introspection, inquiry into long-held ideas and connection with others who are grappling with similar issues.

Restore: The human brain is wired to connect. When those connections are disrupted by unresolved conflict, a neutral, all-partial third party can help.

All processes used at CCR are based on the principles of restorative justice, which state that people are capable of solving problems in their lives when they are supported by respectful processes that encourage responsibility and collaboration.

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