Centre for Public Policy and Governance

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The Centre for Public Policy and Governance focuses on research and training on topics such as peacebuilding, reconciliation and conflict resolution in Pakistan.
Última actualización: Diciembre 2019

The Centre for Public Policy and Governance (CPPG) is based at the Forman Christian College University in Lahore. The Centre is devoted to research and training in the areas of peace and conflict studies as well as conflict resolution. The team consists of internationally trained academics who are doing research, teaching and organising events in the area of conflict resolution in Pakistan and beyond.

CPPG regularly organises seminars and conferences on issues of peace and security. In 2016, it planned and conducted a seminar on the topic of "civil resistance" in collaboration with the International Centre for Nonviolent Conflict, USA.

Prior to that in 2015, the centre organised an event which was called "Conflict Management Faculty Seminar Program for Pakistani Universities". In 2013, CPPG organised a seminar on "Designing a Framework for Peace Education in a Pluralist Society". In collaboration with the United States Institute of Peace, CPPG runs a project that provides research grants to Master students working in the area of peace and conflict studies.

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