Creativity for Peace

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Creativity for Peace trains young Israeli and Palestinian women to partner as leaders by transforming anger and prejudice to mutual respect, facilitating an understanding of the other, and inspiring action to promote equality and peace.
Última actualización: Febrero 2018

Creativity for Peace trains young Israeli and Palestinian women to partner as leaders by transforming anger and prejudice to mutual respect, facilitating an understanding of the other, and inspiring action to promote equality and peace. Based in Santa Fe, New Mexico since 2003, and operating in the USA, Palestine, and Israel, we use dialogue and art to introduce the story of the other side and begin the compassion and healing necessary for reconciliation. Programs for 271 participants include a three-week summer intensive, year-round gatherings, advanced leadership training, projects facilitated by young peacemakers for their peers in Israel, Palestine, and the United States, and training of women in the early stages of their political careers.

Since 2008 Creativity for Peace has introduced American young people to peers from Israel and Palestine through programs that educate in communication, conflict resolution, and leadership.

The goals of our work with American youth are to:

  • Teach skills for transforming conflict at home, school, and elsewhere
  • Bridge racial, cultural and religious divides
  • Educate about the politics, culture, and history of Israel and Palestine
  • Present peer role models and introduction to new cultures
  • Inspire action for social justice and peace locally, nationally, and globally

American outreach programs include girls’ circles, talks and workshops delivered by Creativity for Peace Young Leaders, leadership training, internships, and art projects.

Lo último de USA

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