Fair voting

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About Fair voting in Florida is an initiative launched by community organizations to support the implementation of ranked choice voting, proportional …

Última actualización: Enero 2018


About Fair voting in Florida is an initiative launched by community organizations to support the implementation of ranked choice voting, proportional representation in elections, and to promote electoral reform. Citizens' participation for fair voting is implemented through campaigns to provide: outreach, education, research, and lobbying to support public policy and citizen participation. Fair Representation Act: Multi layer strategies to cover some cross cutting areas and groups represented in elections. Promoting active participation of citizens in elections through voter and registrations drives, conferences, meetings, training to local leaders and civic education Constitution Amendment Project: Participation in the Florida constitution amendment project to implement new initiatives in participation and the voting system. Restoration Rights: Supporting civil rights groups and individuals to restore their political rights and voting rights. Gender Equality: Promotion of Gender groups to participate in the democratic process of elections, in order to attain female representation and parity in voting participation and as aspiring candidates. Electoral Reform; introducing initiatives and rallying with local and state groups for a new voting system: the alternative voting or Rank Choice Voting RCV

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