Olive Tree Movement

Olive Tree Movement works with Palestinian children and families to acheive peace.
Última actualización: Marzo 2012

The Olive Tree Movement views every child’s right to grow and develop in a loving and supportive environment free of threats, as unassailable and uncompromisable. It sees the continuous compromise of the safety and welfare of Palestinian children as unacceptable and foul, and actively works to correct it through its engagement in Palestinian communities.

It works with Palestinian children, providing them help and guidance, through activities such as building computer rooms for children in Palestinian communities, organising summer camps, safely and comfortably driving children to Israeli hospitals for treatment, visiting and supporting children and family members staying for treatment in Israeli hospitals, helping with and initiating agricultural work through offering new agricultural opportunities, joining Palestinian farmers in their fields to deter attacks on them, and continuously taking part in the daily and cultural life of the communities they visit.

Lo último de Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories

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