Peace Associates Network (PAN-Africa)

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PAN-Africa is a think tank formed by passionate students pursuing MAs in Peace Studies at Makerere University, Uganda.
Última actualización: Julio 2015

Peace Associates Network (PAN-Africa) is a think-tank formed by passionate students pursuing MAs in Peace Studies at Makerere University, Uganda. PAN-AFRICA work to achieve peace, tolerance and social justice through academic excellence and dedication, by accomplishing the peaceful co-existence between and within societies through the identification and resolution of underlying causes of conflict.

The mission of PAN-AFRICA is to transform conflicts from destructive and paralysing obstacles into a constructive and creative force through:

  • Research and deep understanding of root causes and prevention of conflicts;
  • Establishing a network of committed experts with interest in peace and security;
  • Exchange of ideas;
  • Mobility of peace scholars; and
  • Prevention and settlement of disputes through culturally sensitive and progressive mediation techniques.

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