Peace Education Program

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Peace Ed has, for the last 30 years, promoted a culture of peace and tolerance.
Última actualización: Noviembre 2017

In 1985, Peace Education Program started by teaching conflict resolution in one classroom. Today, they have a network of 88 schools where mediation and/or conflict resolution is practiced on a daily basis. Peace Education Program impacts 20,000 youths annually. 

In 1994, it formed 'Youth for Peace', a group of teen leaders committed to reducing prejudice. Graduates are leaders in community development, education and fundraising in this community and others. 

Peace Education Program began a partnership with a middle school plagued by high levels of violence - students were 'body-slamming' each other in the hallways. Today, the youth mediators conduct 200 mediations annually with few gang-related conflicts reported in five years. The commitment of adult coordinators and the skills acquired by youths combine to create a culture of peace in a sea of violence. 

In 1997, Louisville's youth homicide rate was one of the highest in the nation. Peace Education Program joined a coalition to stop violence. Peace Ed trained 400 gang involved youths and their friends to be mediators in seven Housing Authority sites. Today, there are sixty-seven community sites where young people can solve their problems nonviolently. 

In 2001, Peace Ed introduced whole school conflict resolution and mediation to a Middle School. Today, one of those mediators is on their staff teaching conflict resolution to other young men.

In 2004, Peace Ed began teaching preschool conflict resolution workshops with three or four year old kids. Today, they are partnering with Squallis Puppeteers to present a puppet show and workshop series that explores anger and problem solving with young children.

In 2008 Peace Ed created a comprehensive mediation manual. Today, trainers in Rwanda, Marquette University, Wisconsin, New-York, Indiana and Kentucky follow their methods for training peace mediators.   

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