Play for Peace

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Play for Peace is a community of people who are working to create a more peaceful world.
Última actualización: Enero 2018

Play for Peace is a community of people who are, right now, creating a more peaceful world. In fact, one of the most exciting things about Play for Peace is that at any time of day or night Play for Peace is happening somewhere in the world. Children, youth, and adults, even in communities in conflict, are choosing compassion and practicing peace, and they are learning to do this through the joy of play. Few things can provide a common link between people like laughter and play. Through cooperative play, we have a universal and non-threatening platform around which people can come together and learn. Play creates a gateway to moments when differences dissolve, fear melts away, and we see what connects us rather than what divides us.

At Play for Peace we believe;

Everyone can be an architect, builder, and leader for peace.Every community can create and sustain peace.

Play is one of the most innovative catalysts for peace in the world today.

If Play for Peace is happening around the world, it is through one of our two activities; Play for Peace Trainings or Practice Peace Sessions, which are supported by our members, including our Certified Trainers, Play for Peace Club and Mentors, and our Partners for Peace. Together these programs encourage people to shift from a place of isolation, fear, and violence to a place of inspiration, collaboration, and connection. Entire communities begin to unlearn previously held biases and take action together. It is playful action that inspires people from different cultures to reach across barriers and boundaries. In the realm of play, pure creativity exists and transformation occurs. From this place of transformation, communities have the foundation to generate new avenues for building peace.

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