Reporter Foundation for Media Development

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The Reporter Foundation for Media Development is a development organisation that works to enhance and strengthen community media in Yemen.
Última actualización: Julio 2015

The Reporter Foundation for Media Development was founded to enhance media and community development through issuing information materials and raising awareness of developmental issues. The organisation works specifically on community issues, dissemination, awareness-raising and advocacy.

The organisation focuses on providing specialised training courses in media, development and other activities that serve the community and support media messages with social responsibility.

Reporter Yemen main One of the main activities of the Reporter Foundation is publishing a specialised newspaper focused on investigating social issues. Image credit: Reporter Foundation

The main activities of the Reporter Foundation are focused on:

  • Enhancing community media development through the production of awareness information materials on various developmental issues.
  • Establishing a website dedicated to community media.
  • Publishing a specialised newspaper investigative social issues, and securing financial resources for this activity.
  • Running local community advocacy campaigns, focusing on women, children and youth issues.
  • Implementing various developmental activities that benefit different sectors of society.
  • Conducting general media training and specialised community media training.
  • Enhancing positive outreach and effective communication through marketing promotion tools, membership, and branches all over the country.
  • Participating in conferences, projects, exhibitions, official events both domestically and internationally.
  • Building partnerships with local, regional and international organisations attempting to serve Yemeni local communities and the joint common goals and objectives of the foundation.

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