Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center

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RMPJC is a peacebuilding organisation working in the Denver area.
Última actualización: Noviembre 2017

Rooted in the spirit of unconditional nonviolence, the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center (RMPJC) is dedicated to progressive personal and social change. It is a multi-issue organisation that works to restore and protect Earth and human rights. They educate, organise, act and build community in order to create a culture of justice and peace. 

In 1983, six individuals who had been involved in nonviolent resistance movements founded the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center. They felt the need in the Boulder community for a permanent base for addressing peace and justice issues. 

The distinctive features of the new organisation were its multi-issue nature and its commitment to non-violence, including its provision of training in nonviolent action, at the time, something that wasn't done in the Denver area. 

Today, the RMPJC has over 1,000 members and an active wider network of about 2,000 additional individuals and 200 organisations. 

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