Womens Initiative Movement for Justice

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Womens Initiative Movement for Justice (WIMJ) is an organisation working to enhance and promote the dignity of women and children in Sierra Leone.
Última actualización: Noviembre 2017

Womens Initiative Movement for Justice (WIMJ) is an organisation working to enhance and promote the dignity of women and children in Sierra Leone.

On July 26th, 2009, after the protracted end of the violent and destructive civil war in Sierra Leone, a group of 20 Sierra Leonean women and children started meeting in the northern part of Sierra Leone to discuss issues seriously affecting them. Six months later, the number had grown to more than 60 - mostly widows and single mothers from other church and community based groups attracted by comfort, openness and unity. In the new found forum women and youths discussed and sought each others support in areas ranging from health, women's rights, and domestic violence to economic challenges. Throughout the discussions, what came out strongly was the need to work on women's rights and economic hardship. WIMJ is a now a local, voluntary, non-governmental, community-based organisation working on human rights and governance for peacebuilding issues. It provides a platform for women, youths and children from diverse backgrounds to come together and be trained as advocates for peace in order to raise awareness among policy makers on issues that are essential to proper development in Sierra Leone.

WIMJ's vision is of a state where these is access to justice, respect for human rights, a society that is free from all forms of discrimination and abuse against women and children, gender equality, peaceful coexistence among communities and effective participatory governance for national development. It believes that this can lay the foundation for sustainable peace and economic growth, health, education, human rights and security in Sierra Leone.


  • Educational programs for children and youth, both in and out of school.
  • Campaign for a secure and suitable world for women and children which will be free from all forms of violence and abuse.
  • Campaign for better facilities for reproductive health with a specific interest on HIV and AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health Education for young Sierra Leoneans.
  • Campaign for development of pro-poor national policies that can accelerate economic growth, reduce poverty, increase public accountability and enhance children protection.
  • Campaign to promote gender equality among young people.

WIMJ is working closely with local partners such as the Ministry of Social Welfare, the Family Support Unit, the Government hospital, as well as courts and health centres in the Bombali District.

Lo último de Sierra Leona

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