Yemen Center for Human Rights

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The Center works to spread the culture of human rights in general, and children and women in particular, in Yemen.
Última actualización: Septiembre 2017

The Yemen Center for Human Rights (Yemen Center) was established in 2009 to contribute to the promotion and protection of the culture of human rights and the dissemination and protection of human rights among the various segments of society by monitoring and documenting violations, supporting various rights and freedoms, supporting the rights of women, children and marginalised groups and minorities. Moreover, it also works for the assistance, relief and rehabilitation of victims of violence and natural disasters, as well as spreading values of tolerance and renouncing violence and hatred.

The Center supports many activities, courses and events in order to spread the culture of human rights in general, and children and women in particular, as well as courses in advocacy and lobbying.

The Yemen Center carried out a self-help training course for children on human rights and children's rights under the title "Children with awareness of their rights". They were provided with information on organisations working on the rights of the child, and paid some of these organisations a visit. Additionally, the Yemen Center conducted 2 similar training courses for children under the title "Games for Human Rights" in order to spread the culture of human rights and children for 80 children, including 40 children from juvenile prisons, with the support of the human rights education organization in Canada (Equitas).

Two projects were carried out for young men and women in their own provinces to strengthen the role of youth in peacemaking and engage them in peacemaking activities. These projects were called “The role of civil society and activists in the relief and protection of civilians’ rights conflict areas", under the support of the Canadian Fund to Support Local Initiatives in Yemen, which targeted 60 young men and women from Hajjah, Amran and Saada provinces, and “The Peace Torch” project, which targeted 60 young men and women from Aden and Saada provinces.

The Center also monitors and documents human rights violations, and issues daily and periodic reports on the crimes and abuses of Coalition forces and Hadi militants. Three comprehensive reports of the most serious violations under international humanitarian law have been issued following Coalition attacks.

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