Taraqee for Social Change

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Taraqee for Social Change (TSC) was established in 2010 to work in the following thematic areas in Pakistan: peace and interfaith harmony education, livelihood, women’s development, and human rights and advocacy.
Mis à jour récemment : janvier 2020

Taraqee for Social Change (TSC) was established in 2010 to work in the following thematic areas in Pakistan: peace and interfaith harmony education, livelihood, women’s development, and human rights and advocacy.

The organization has used ‘theatre’ as a mechanism to promote awareness on issues of importance. TSC considers theatre as an effective means of raising awareness on issues and capacity building of communities.

The organization supports community groups by building their capacities and assigning them in getting their message across and provides opportunities to take part in the issue-based debates and discussion can trickle down into communities through the theater intervention.

Taraqee for Social Change aims to enhance the knowledge of the communities, create awareness and sensitize the communities on prevalent issues and build the capacities of the theater groups about the right based issues and performing art skills.

Since its inception, TSC has organized awareness raising and capacity building events to promote peace at community levels. In 2017, TSC organized a theater performance on the theme of peace at the Christian Study Centre in Rawalpindi. In 2018, TSC organized a lecture on ‘how peace is possible’ in Lahore and the event was attended by 60 people. During 23-26 January 2019, a training on theater and peace was organized at the University of the Punjab for 30 participants.

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